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Francesco Fiorentino is Professor of German Literature at the University Roma Tre. His special fields of interest are: modern German literature (Bertolt Brecht, Heiner Müller, Peter Handke, Ernst Jünger and others), Swiss-German literature, Cultural Studies. His current research focuses on contemporary German Theatre and Geography of Literature.

Selected publications: La letteratura della Svizzera tedesca (Roma 2001); Heiner Müller. Per un teatro pieno di tempo (ed., Roma 2005); Atlante della letteratura tedesca (co-ed., Macerata 2009); Al di là del testo. Critica letteraria e studio della cultura (ed., Macerata 2011); Figure e forme della memoria culturale (ed., Macerata 2011); Brecht e i media (ed., Roma 2013); Brecht e la fotografia (co-ed., Roma 2015); Anatomia Tito Fall of Rome. Un commento shakespeariano, L’Orma, Roma 2017 (ed.); La terra sonora. Il teatro di Peter Handke (co-ed. Roma 2017); Elogio dello spettatore. Teatro, musica, cinema e arti visuali (co-ed., Roma 2019); Peter Handke, Insulti al pubblico e altre pièce vocali, Quolibet, Macerata 2020 (ed.); Theaterbegriffe, «Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik», Band 8 (co-ed., 2022).

Camilla Miglio is Full Professor of German Literature at the University of Rome La Sapienza, where she headed the Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies from 2021 to 2024. She has previously taught at the universities of Pisa and Naples l’Orientale. Her scholarly work includes essays, monographs, and translations on 20th century and contemporary poetry, aspects of the Goethezeit and Romanticism, the history of translation and poetics, as well as poetics of space and nature.

Her publications include the monographs: Celan and Valéry. Poesia: traduzione di una distanza (1997), Vita a fronte. Saggio su Paul Celan (2005), La terra del morso. L’Italia ctonia di Ingeborg Bachmann (2012), Ricercar per verba. Paul Celan e la musica della materia (2022). She is the editor of: Il demone a vela. Traduzione e riscrittura tra didattica e ricerca (2006), Dello scrivere e del tradurre (2007, with Valentina Di Rosa and Giovanni La Guardia), L’opera e la vita. Paul Celan e gli studi comparatistici (2008, with Irene Fantappiè), Paul Celan in Italia. Un percorso tra ricerca, arti e media (2015, with Diletta D’Eredità and Francesca Zimarri), East Frontiers. New Cultural Identities in Central and Eastern Europe after the Fall of the Berlin Wall (2021, with Gabriele Guerra and Daniela Padularosa). She has edited volumes in translation by Clemens Brentano (2008), Ulrike Draesner (2010), Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (2015), Hans Magnus Enzensberger (1996), Peter Waterhouse (1998, 2009, 2021).

She coordinated the EACEA project 2007-2013 “Europe as a Space of Translation” and is currently coordinating a PRIN 2022 Research Project of the Italian Ministry of Research, “A Physical Geography of German Literature” (2023-2025).
She has received the Ladislao Mittner Prize for German Studies and is a member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

Amelia Valtolina is Professor of Modern German Literature at the Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Dipartimento di Lettere, Filosofia, Comunicazione), where she founded SINALEFE, the “Seminario Internazionale Permanente di Ricerca sulla Poesia Contemporanea” with Alessandro Baldacci (Warsaw University) and Camilla Miglio (Università Roma Sapienza). Her research focuses on: criticism of the poetic instances of nature poetry, contemporary German-language poetry and its constellations, the relationship between philosophy and poetry, image and word.

Book publications (selection): In absentia. Zur Poetik der Latenz in Rainer Maria Rilkes Dichtkunst, Stauffenburg Verlag, Tübingen, 2021; Bäume lesen. Europäische ökologische Lyrik seit den 1970er Jahren (ed. with Michael Braun), Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 2021; Nature in Transition: European Poetry after 1945, «Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik», 4, 2021(ed. with Michael Braun, Henrieke Stahl); Yoko Tawada, Dove comincia l’Europa e altri scritti, Mimesis, Milano/Udine, 2021 (ed. with Lucia Perrone Capano); GegenWorte - GegenSpiele. Zu einer Widerstandsästhetik in Literatur und Theater der Gegenwart (ed. with Emmanuel Béhague, Hanna Klessinger), transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2018; Ah la terra lontana… Gottfried Benn in Italia (ed. with Luca Zenobi), Pacini, Pisa, 2018; Il sogno della forma. Un’idea tedesca nel Novecento di Gottfried Benn, Quodlibet (collana di Critica e Estetica), Roma, 2016; Parole con figura, Le Lettere, Firenze, 2010; Bleu. Métamorphose d’une couleur dans la poésie allemande moderne, Galilée, Paris, 2006.

Translation and critical editions of works by Gottfred Benn; translation of essays and works by Walter Benjamin, Theodor Fontane, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Alexander Lernet-Holenia and others.

Matteo Iacovella is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in German Literature at the University of Rome La Sapienza. He earned his PhD in Germanic and Slavic Studies from the same institution, conducting research in Vienna and at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv in Marbach. His doctoral research focused on Austrian writer Ilse Aichinger, examining the ethical and political dimensions of her work. He has published the first monograph in Italy on Ilse Aichinger, as well as several articles on 20th-century German-speaking authors, including Ilse Aichinger, Wolfgang Hildesheimer, Ingeborg Bachmann, Thomas Bernhard, and Alfred Andersch. In his current research project, he explores representations of nature in contemporary German-speaking eco-poetry, mainly focusing on the poetics of Marion Poschmann, Esther Kinsky, and Yoko Tawada, as well as on the reinterpretation of traditional forms and metrical patterns.
Publications: La diffidenza della lingua. Percorsi nella po-etica di Ilse Aichinger (1945-1976), ETS 2024, Aichinger-Konstellationen (ed. with Stefano Apostolo and Lorenzo Licciardi), Studi Germanici 2024 (forthcoming), Lessico Europeo. Sezione tedesca: il movimento (ed. with Flavia Di Battista, Tommaso Gennaro, Camilla Miglio and Giulia Puzzo), Sapienza Università Editrice 2018. He has edited the first Italian translation of Ilse Aichinger’s novel La speranza più grande (Quodlibet 2021).

Raul Calzoni is a full professor of German literature at the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Bergamo, where he is serving as Director for the 2024/2027 academic term. His research has explored the literature of the Classical-Romantic period (J. W. von Goethe, F. Schiller, Novalis, E.T.A. Hoffmann), the Vormärz, Poetic Realism (G. Büchner and T. Storm), and the German literary culture of Modernism (Benjamin, Bloch, Döblin). His research also focuses on the strategies of rewriting and transmission of European cultural memory in German-language literature, as well as the relationship between memory, history, and testimony in literature concerning World War II and the Holocaust after the rupture of Nazism (G. de Bruyn, G. Grass, G. Roth, W. Kempowski, W.G. Sebald). Recently, his studies have shifted towards analyzing the relationship between science and literature, with particular attention to the Frühromantik period and the aesthetic experimentation of the late 20th century (G. Benn, H. Heißenbüttel).

Gianluca Paolucci is researcher in German Literature at the University of Roma Tre. His scientific interests concern 18th-century German literature and culture; media theories and practices in Germany between the 18th and 20th centuries; literature, geography and cartography; theology and ecologism, He is the author of the volumes: Ritualità massonica nella letteratura della Goethezeit (Studi Germanici 2013); Illuminismo segreto. Storia culturale degli Illuminati (Bonanno 2016); “Vieni! Guarda e senti Dio”. Teologia performativa in Herder (Quodlibet 2021); Letteratura e cartografia (with Francesco Fiorentino; Mimesis 2017) and Per un atlante geostorico della Letteratura tedesca 1900-1930 I e II (with Francesco Fiorentino e Giovanni Sampaolo; Studi Germanici 2023).

Gabriele Guerra (b. 1968) is Associate Professor of German Literature in the Department of European, American, and Intercultural Studies at Sapienza University of Rome. Previously, he served as an Adjunct Lecturer in Business German at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, a Research Fellow in German Literature at the Institut für Neuere Deutsche Literatur at the University of Marburg, and an Adjunct Lecturer at Sapienza University. In 2012, he was a Research Fellow at the Zentrum für Kultur- und Literaturforschung in Berlin and a DAAD fellow at Freie Universität Berlin in 1995-1996.

Guerra completed his studies at the University of Rome La Sapienza, graduating in 1994 with a dissertation on Walter Benjamin, and later earned a PhD in Comparative Literature (Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft) at Freie Universität Berlin, focusing on the use of theological-religious categories by Jewish-German thinkers and intellectuals between 1900 and 1930.

His research focuses on German Jewry in early 20th-century literature and thought, the Conservative Revolution and Ernst Jünger, the historical avant-gardes at the crossroads of aesthetics, politics, and religion, and more broadly on the intersections of aesthetics with religion and theology with politics.

Guerra is also a translator of German texts, notably editing the translation of Walter Benjamin's works (Letteratura e strategie di critica. Frammenti I, Mimesis, Milan 2012), and has taught Italian to foreigners. He is a member of the Italian German Studies Association, the Italian Walter Benjamin Association, and the Hugo-Ball-Gesellschaft. He was part of the PRIN research group "Klassische Moderne 1880-1930" (2006-2009), co-funded by MURST and a consortium of universities, including Sapienza, Trento, Bari, and Urbino. Guerra has presented at numerous national and international conferences and organized several academic events. Since 2003, he has been an editor for Links. Rivista di letteratura e cultura tedesca. Zeitschrift für deutsche Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft and regularly contributes to the review portal literaturkritik.de.

Stefania De Lucia


Stefania De Lucia worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Sapienza University in Rome for the project «History and Digital Maps of German Literature in Italy in the 20th Century: Publishing, Field Structure, Interference». In addition to her teaching activity in the field of German Language and Literature in different universities, during the past years she was also a temporary research Fellow at the University of Salerno and at the University of Naples L'Orientale,  where she held her PhD in Comparative Literature in co-tutorship with the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg i. Breisgau.

Her main research interests lie in the fields of exile and intercultural literature. She has researched about the phenomena of Austrian Orientalism, about Central Europe literature and in the fields of Translation Studies, in particular in the intersection between German and Italian literature.

Mariaenrica Giannuzzi


Mariaenrica Giannuzzi is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Turin as part of the ATMOS project. She holds a PhD in German Studies from Cornell University (2023), where she investigated aesthetics of nature configured through the literary trope of Kreatur, while working as a Teaching Assistant (2017–2021) and Research Assistant. She was a DAAD Fellow at Humboldt University in Berlin (2021–2022), Visiting Fellow at the ERC project "An-Icon" at La Statale University of Milan (2022–2023) and lecturer at La Sapienza University in Rome (2024). Her publications include Il male della natura. Critica della violenza, letteratura e storia naturale (Mimesis, 2023), Politics of the Creature: Geological Figures of German Modernism (Cornell eCommons, 2024), and studies on Paul Celan, Walter Benjamin, Heinrich von Kleist, Milena Jesenská and others. She is an active translator.

Maria Diletta Giordano
