Francesco Fiorentino (org.), Research Seminar: Teatro e scritture della natura. With Francesco Fiorentino, Sista Bramini, Filippo Andreatta, Daniela Sacco, and Mila di Giulio. October 17th, 2024, Roma Tre University.
Roma Tre University (org.), Milestone Conference: Scritture della natura. letteratura, arte, filosofia. September 16-18th, 2024, Roma Tre University.
The conference Scritture della natura. letteratura, arte, filosofia, organised as part of the PRIN PNRR 2022 project “Eco-writings. Geography, Environment and Resilience in German Literature”, aims to foster reflection and interdisciplinary dialogue on the relationship between the subject and the environment, reconsidering it from a non-anthropocentric perspective. This exploration seeks to develop sophisticated methodological approaches for analyzing literary texts that, from cognitive, aesthetic, formal, or structural standpoints, present non-anthropocentric interpretations of the human-nature relationship.
Amelia Valtolina (org.), International Seminar: Zwischen Störung und Resilienz. Moore und Sümpfe aus komparatistischer Sicht, with Heinrike Stahl and Ralph Müller. September 10th, 2024, University of Bergamo.
Amelia Valtolina (org.), Research Seminar: Kritisches Naturschreiben im Zeitalter des Anthropozän: Die Sumpfgebiete in der Flussprosa Esther Kinskys, with Christine Kanz. May 21st, 2024, University of Bergamo.
Amelia Valtolina (org.), Research Seminar: Müll im Sumpf: Drei Perspektiven und eine Störung, with David Christopher Assmann. May 6th, 2024, University of Bergamo.
Amelia Valtolina (org.), Research Seminar: Vom Schauerort zum Schutzenwerten Raum – eine Exkursion in die literarische Moore, with Joana van der Löcht. March 6th, 2024, University of Bergamo.
Francesco Fiorentino (org.), Research Seminar: Musica e scritture dell’ambiente, with Riccardo Fazi, Simone Caputo, and Luca Bacchini. April 23rd, 2024, Roma Tre University.
Mariaenrica Giannuzzi (org.), Lecture Series: Forms of Nature, with Stefania Acciaioli, Mariaenrica Giannuzzi, Matteo Iacovella, Chiara Maciocci, Camilla Miglio, Serena Sapienza. April-May, 2024, University of Rome La Sapienza.
At the 3rd International Environmental Humanities Conference: "Ecocriticisms in the 21st Century", hosted by the Cappadocia University (Turkey) on May 20-22, 2024, Luca Baruffa, Matteo Iacovella, Chiara Maciocci, and Serena Sapienza convened a panel on elemental ecocriticism, featuring four case studies drawn from German poetry.
At the international seminar Die Katastrophe als Wendepunkt? Yoko Tawada lesen nach 2011, held at the Freie Universität in Berlin (Germany), Amelia Valtolina delivered a talk on the catastrophes of signs in Yoko Tawada's poetics, while Matteo Iacovella explored Tawada's nuclear poetry in the aftermath of Fukushima.
Gabriele Guerra (org.), International Conference: Trans-formare tra antico e moderno. La metamorfosi nella letteratura, nell’arte, nelle scienze e nel pensiero europei. November 25-27, 2024, Roma Tre University, Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, Istituto Svizzero.